Sunday, December 29, 2013

Beat bladder infections with blueberries   Beat bladder infections with blueberries

Eating 1 cup of blueberries daily, whether you opt for them fresh, frozen or in juice form, can cut your risk of a urinary tract infection (UTIs) by 60 percent, according to researchers at New Jersey’s Rutgers University. That's because blueberries are loaded with tannins, plant compounds that wrap around problem-causing bacteria in the bladder, so they can’t get a toehold and create an infection, explains Amy Howell, Ph.D. a scientist at Rutgers University.
Guavas     Guavas
These sweet, tropical treats contain 112 calories per cup, but don’t let that scare you off. When women add guavas to their daily diet, it doubles their ability to lose weight and to keep it off long-term, say Stanford University researchers. That’s because one cup of guavas contains 40 percent of your day’s supply of appetite-taming fiber. And there’s more -- a tasty cup of guavas contains more immunity-boosting vitamin C than any other fruit or veggie (even oranges), plus over 1,000 International Units of vitamin A -- a nutrient that cuts your risk of skin cancer by as much as 40 percent, according to studies at the University of California, San Francisco.


This purple powerhouse is actually a berry, not a vegetable. And it’s a dieter’s dream, since it contains a measly 20 calories per cup, plus it’s low in sugar and high in muscle-strengthening protein and potassium. Eggplant is one of the main ingredients in the famous French dish, ratatouille, and it makes a great low-cal meat substitute in recipes like eggplant parmigiana. Try it grilled, baked, boiled, fried or sauteed.

Baby Spinach

Baby Spinach      

If you’ve never been a fan of spinach because of its strong taste, give baby spinach a try. It’s surprisingly mild, plus much easier to prepare, since there are no mangy stems to trim off. And baby spinach is rich in lipoic acid -- an antioxidant that shuttles blood sugar and fatty acids into cells so they can be burned for energy instead of stuffed into fat cells, adds Dr. Gillespie.
Got a toothache and can’t get to the dentist? Gently chewing on a clove can ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for two hours straight, say UCLA researchers. Experts point to a natural compound in cloves called eugenol, a powerful, natural anesthetic. Bonus: Sprinkling a ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves on meals daily may also protect your ticker. Scientists say this simple action helps stabilize blood sugar, plus dampen production of artery-clogging cholesterol in as little as three weeks.
Cure a toothache with cloves   Cure a toothache with cloves

Cure a toothache with cloves

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Health Benefits of Moringa  Benefits of moringa
Moringa, also known as the Miracle Tree, is a multipurpose plant, as the leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots, and even the bark of the tree can be utilized. It is also called Drumstick Tree by the Britishers, while in Philippines it is known as malunggay. The scientific name of this tree is Moringa oleifera. The specialty of this tree is that it actually bears fruits in the warm season. Moringa is a powerhouse of minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. Therefore, it is widely promoted in poverty-stricken areas to counter malnutrition, for the effects can be seen within a few days of including it in the diet. Its uses range from being a water purifier, to protecting the skin, and also to make perfume.

The Blessed Moringa

The leaves of this tree are said to be nutritional powerhouse. Research has proved that various parts of the moringa tree can be used to cure over 300 diseases. Let's see a few of them here. 
Moringa is rich in Vitamin A. It has four times more Vitamin A or beta-carotene than carrots. Hence, it is a weapon against blindness.
Normally milk is said to be a rich source of calcium but the amount of calcium present in moringa leaves is way higher than in milk. To be more precise, moringa is said to have four times more calcium than milk.
Bananas are a rich source of potassium, but moringa leaves contain seven times more potassium than bananas.
Along with potassium, zinc is also found in large quantities in moringa.
If moringa leaves were to be eaten by one and all, the world will be free of anemia as it contains thrice more iron than spinach.
With all the junk food eaten these days, many people face problems of high cholesterol. Moringa helps in balancing the cholesterol levels in the body.
Essential amino acids are also found in moringa.
The moringa leaves are said to contain twice the protein present in milk.
Moringa is also said to balance sugar levels, hence it is helpful in fighting against diabetes.
The body's natural defense mechanism increases with the consumption of moringa in the daily diet pattern. Since it is an immunity-stimulant, it is prescribed for AIDS afflicted patients. Less immunity is rampant in many provinces in Africa, especially people who do not have access to nutritious food and medicines.
Moringa leaves can be consumed to stimulate metabolism.
If you are looking for non-sugar based energy, then moringa leaves is the answer. Thus, it will also help in the weight loss process.
The cell structure of the body is stimulated by the moringa leaves.
It is especially useful for lactating mothers. The consumption of moringa has shown dramatic increase in the quantity of breast milk.
It is also famous for its anti-bacterial properties.
The paste of the moringa leaves is said to beautify the skin and is hence applied by women regularly.
It protects the liver and kidneys.
It can also be used as a water purifier.
Moringa helps in faster recovery of the muscles and tissues after a strenuous workout.
Anxiety and depression can also be countered with the use of moringa.
People suffering from insomnia find the use of moringa beneficial for it helps in regulating sleep cycles.
It is known to nourish the eyes, therefore, people suffering from poor eyesight should include moringa in their diet.
It is also a rich source of Vitamin C. It contains Vitamin C seven times more than oranges.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Health Benefits Of Lemongrass 

Lemon grass is an amazing super-herb that has been used for hundreds of years for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
Lemongrass is a green and white, grass like plant with razor-like blades and it is grown across the planet in warm tropical climates.
You can get fresh lemongrass stalks at various grocery stores, as well as other forms such as a dried herb or grounded lemon grass powder.
Lemongrass herb should be kept in an air
Lemongrass imparts a distinct lemon flavor when cut or crushed due to a release of an essential oil called citral. The dried herb also releases this same flavor when steeped as a tea.
Lemongrass may smell like lemon, but it is more mild and sweet in flavor. It is not sour to taste.
tight container and placed in a dark, cool and dry place where it will keep for up to 2 years 

General uses of Lemongrass

• Anxiety
• High cholesterol
• Colitis
• Type 2 diabetes
Cough, cold & sore throats 
• Rough, dry, scaly ski
• Kidney detoxification
• Insomnia
• Relaxation & deep sleep
Lemongrass has many health benefits and healing properties containing many compounds, oils, minerals and vitamins that are known to have anti-oxidant and disease preventing properties.
The primary chemical component in lemongrass is citral which has strong anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.
Lemongrass therefore inhibits microbial and bacterial growth in the body, both internally and externally, helping to prevent and cure bacterial infections in the colon, stomach, urinary tract and respiratory system.
Its leaves and stems are high in folic acid and essential vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) and thiamin (vitamin B-1).
Lemongrass also contains many anti-oxidant minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium.
Lemongrass oil when used in aromatherapy restores and revitalizes the whole body, helping to relieve the symptoms of headaches, body-aches, nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions.
Lemongrass tea can act as a diuretic and is highly effective in flushing toxins and waste out of the body; improving the function of many different organs including the liver, spleen and kidneys.
It can help you lose weight by shedding unnecessary water along with the impurities. This allows you to have more energy and process fat more effectively.
It can help you lose weight by shedding unnecessary water along with the impurities. This allows you to have more energy and process fat more effectively.
Lemongrass may also have effects on cancer cells. There are many studies online and in medical journals illustrating how lemongrass kills cancer cells without harming the normal cells.
As a diuretic lemongrass increases urination, both in frequency and in quantity, to release toxins from the body.
As a nervine lemongrass acts as a tonic for the nerves and the nervous system. It helps treat many nervous disorders such as nervousness, shaking hands or limbs, vertigo, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
As a diaphoretic/febrifuge lemongrass helps to bring down fever by fighting the infections which causes the fever as well as by increasing perspiration.

Plantains belong to the same family as bananas but they have to be cooked to be

Plantains are delicious and can be found in many places in the world. Here are a few health benefits of plantains:

1,Plantains are very reliable sources of starch and energy.

2, Plantains contain a high amount of dietary fibre which helps ensure healthy bowels and
reduces constipation.

3, Plantains have more vitamin C than bananas. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin-C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen- free radicals.

4, Plantains have more vitamin A than bananas. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A plays a vital role in the visual cycle, maintaining healthy mucus membranes, and enhancing skin complexion.

5, As in bananas, they too are rich sources of B-complex vitamins, particularly high in
vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine).
Pyridoxine is an important B-complex vitamin that has a beneficial role in the treatment of neuritis, anemia, and to decrease homocystine (one of the causative factors for coronary artery disease (CHD) and stroke episodes) levels in the

6,Plantains also contain folates, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin. Folates (folic acid) are
essential for healthy pregnancy.

7, Plantains also provide adequate levels of minerals such as iron, magnesium, and
phosphorous. Magnesium is essential for bone strengthening and has a cardiac-protective
role as well.

8, Plantains have more potassium than bananas. Potassium is an important component of
cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure, countering negative
effects of sodium.

9, Plantains are famed to be diuretic and can help prevent kidney and bladder problems.

10, Plantains ease the discomfort associated with the menstrual period.
Banana health benefits are comparable to any other type of fruit.

In fact, bananas have several positive benefits that many other fruits do not have.

These yellow-skinned fruits are ideal for health because they have a sweet taste that most people enjoy.

Because of this, it is easy to implement bananas into a daily diet.

Bananas are also convenient because you can carry them with you whenever you are in a hurry.

Knowing the banana health benefits and the other positive things that bananas can be used for will likely give you a new appreciation for this popular fruit.

A Banana a Day…Instead of eating an apple each day for optimum health, the adage should state that a banana each day keeps the doctor away.

The banana health benefits far outweigh those of the apple because it has many more vitamins and nutrients than their round counterparts.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Health Benefits of Tea: Green, Black, and white tea.

Tea is a name given to a lot of brews, but purists consider only green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea, and pu-erh tea the real thing. They are all derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, a shrub native to China and India, and contain unique antioxidants called flavonoids. The most potent of these, known as ECGC, may help against free radicals that can contribute to cancer, heart disease, and clogged arteries.

 White Tea

All these teas also have caffeine and theanine, which affect the brain and seem to heighten mental alertness.
The more processed the tea leaves, usually the less polyphenol content. Polyphenols include flavonoids. Oolong and black teas are oxidized or fermented, so they have lower concentrations of polyphenols than green tea; but their antioxidizing power is still high.
  • Green tea: Made with steamed tea leaves, it has a high concentration of EGCG and has been widely studied. Green tea’s antioxidants may interfere with the growth of bladder, breast, lung, stomach, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers; prevent clogging of the arteries, burn fat, counteract oxidative stress on the brain, reduce risk of neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, reduce risk of stroke, and improve cholesterol levels.
  • Black tea: Made with fermented tea leaves, black tea has the highest caffeine content and forms the basis for flavored teas like chai, along with some instant teas. Studies have shown that black tea may protect lungs from damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. It also may reduce the risk of stroke.
  • White tea: Uncured and unfermented. One study showed that white tea has the most potent anticancer properties compared to more processed teas.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

There are so many cures for weight loss being touted today, that it is hard to know which claims are true and which claims are scams. Coconut oil is one product that has been a subject of study and scholarly literature for several years now. It offers consumers many health benefits, including weight loss. 

Coconut oil has incredible health benefits. Besides being good for weight loss, skin care, and hair care, coconut oil can also be a healthy addition to a diet. Coconut oil is packed with essential fatty acids and can be used in cooking and baking in the same way you would use olive oil or vegetable oil.There are many different uses and different ways to eat coconut oil, all while reaping the outstanding health benefits it has to offer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

This is a quintessential healthy food and it’s easy to understand that it’s an alkaline food. Broccoli is one of those vegetables that has so much going on you simply have to make an extra effort to get more of it into your system. Some people eat broccoli every day as a way to maintain good health and make sure they’re on the alkaline side. You at least want to eat it multiple times a week, with 3 or 4 times being a good rule of thumb. 
Top stats (per 100g):
Vitamin C – 135%
Vitamin A – 11%
Calcium – 4%
Beetroot gets more attention now than ever before, and it’s one of the foods out there that will act to help raise your pH levels. The reason it’s an important vegetable to include in your arsenal is because it’s one of the only sources of the phytonutrient betalain which may have anti-cancer properties. Add these as a side, or use them as a salad topper. Be sure to buy this one fresh and steam it, as the pickled variety has reduced nutritional value. 
Top stats (per 100g):
Vitamin C – 8%
Vitamin K – 11%
Folate – 75%
You might not have thought that the herbs and spices you use on your food have an effect on how alkaline or acidic your pH levels are. But as it turns out there are good spices and bad spices. Basil happens to be one of the ones that helps keep you alkaline, and it also has plenty of other things going for it, such as the flavonoids it contains. These help the body to heal and basil in general can help with several different areas of the body.
Top stats (per 100g):
Vitamin A – 175%
Vitamin K – 345%
Calcium – 18%

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Summary of Healing Properties of Papaya

  • Increases quality of proteins in whole organism.
  • Encourages the renewal of muscle tissue.
  • Revitalize the human body and maintain energy and vitality.
  • Boosts up the immune system.
  • Supports cardiovascular system.
  • Helps with the digestive system, by breaking down the proteins and supporting production of digestive enzymes.
  • Papaya can be use also externally as a treatment for skin wounds that don’t heal quickly, for this you can use papaya peel or ointments made out of papaya.
  • Prevents the cataract formation.
  • Due to high vitamin A, it lowers the risk of emphysema in smokers and passive smokers.
  • Alleviates inflammation.
  • Helps with the nausea and constipation.
  • Can benefit people suffering colon cancer and other forms of cancers and aliments of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.

There are a lot of things we can do with papaya leaves; it doesn’t really mean that you have to throw the leaves away when you’re through with the fruit. The leaf contains as much medicinal ability as the fruit itself. This article contains 10 examples of what you can do with papaya leaves.

  • Dried papaya leaves fully grinded and mixed with honey is a perfect cure to cough and fever

  • Fresh juice from grinded papaya leaves can be used to heal open wounds and sores
  • Fresh papaya leaves eaten raw with onions can boost your urine system especially if you’re having an overactive bladder
  • Fresh papaya leaves boiled in hot water is a very strong medicine for malaria
  • Juice made from the leaves can be used as a skin cleansing agent Fresh papaya leaves boiled with sliced pieces of orange can help burn fat and it’s a perfect reduction agent
  • Fresh papaya leaves eaten raw can boost your ability in bed thereby making you become better at everything in bed
  • To glasses of tea daily made from the leaves can help reduce menstrual cramps
  • Juice made from papaya leaves can be used to send away eczema. But scrub face first with soap before applying it.Lastly, it can be eaten as food especially when fried with an egg

  • Papaya is not just a fruit. Extracted from the ripe green papaya, or "pawpaw", is an enzyme called papain. Papain is used worldwide to make bread, cheese or alcohol. It's also used as an alternative treatment for various health conditions ranging from pain to digestive difficulty. Extracting papain takes precision.

    You have probably all heard about the benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. There are claims that it does everything from causing weight loss to healing bladder infections. Many variations of the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet have come down the pike over the years. Some of the diets recieved mixed reviews while others were touted as being the best thing since sliced bread.
    If you can't stand the taste you can add juice or honey to the mix. In my opinion adding these things just makes it taste worse. The best thing you can do is to take it down quickly (just like a tequila shot). Make sure you rinse your mouth (or brush your teeth) with plain water after drinking apple cider vinegar as it can be hard on the enamel of your teeth. This is another reason for you to drink it quickly and not to sip it slowly.

    Thursday, October 24, 2013

    Treating Skin Infections
    Boil a few neem leaves till the time they turn soft. You will notice the water turning green because of the discolouration of the leaves. Strain this water and add some of it in your bath water. Regularly taking bath with this water will help in keeping skin infections under check. Neem leaves have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and hence they are quite effective on skin infections. It also soothes irritation and reduces inflammation without drying the skin. Addressing Acne Problems
    The most favourite home remedy that has been passed on from one generation to another is about using neem to treat acne. To effectively put this to use, first boil a few neem leaves in water (as explained before) and dab a cotton ball in that water and then apply it evenly on your face. You can also use a neem-cucumber face pack or neem-yoghurt face pack to keep a check on excessive oil secretion by sebaceous gland.
    When used regularly, neem works as an excellent agent to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Use the strained neem water to fight the signs of age spots or aging. It works effectively on skin pigmentation as well. Strained neem water will help in lightening the acne scars and lesions caused due to skin conditions. Alternately, you can prepare a neem-rose face pack for a smoother complexion, free from grease and oil. After it dries off, make sure you wash it off with rose water.
    Used as Skin Toner .
    1 banana
    1 1/2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    4 strawberries, quartered
    1 cup fresh aloe vera, cubed
    1/2 cup ice                               Try it and you will Love it.

    Friday, October 18, 2013

    10 Health Benefits of Ginger

    Ovarian Cancer Treatment
    Morning Sickness
    A review of several studies has concluded that ginger is just as effective as vitamin B6 in the treatment of morning sickness.
    Ginger may be powerful weapon in the treatment of ovarian cancer. A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.
    Colon Cancer Prevention
    A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
    Colon Cancer Prevention
    A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
    Motion Sickness Remedy
    Reduces Pain and Inflammation
    One study showed that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful natural painkiller.
    Ginger has been shown to be an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.
    Heartburn Relief
    Ginger has long been used as a natural heartburn remedy. It is most often taken in the form of tea for this purpose.Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment Ginger has long been used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu. Many people also find ginger to be helpful in the case of stomach flus or food poisoning, which is not surprising given the positive effects ginger has upon the digestive tract. more to come.

    Wednesday, October 16, 2013

    Cinnamon Powder and Sticks

    10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

    Here are 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon that may make you
    Lower Cholesterol
    Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.
    want to include it in your diet every day.
    Blood Sugar Regulation
    Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.
    It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
    more to come latter.

    Tuesday, October 15, 2013

    Health Benefits of Coconut Water - Drinking Coconut Water Benefits

    Drinking coconut water has many benefits. Coconut Water is naturally
    • Low in Carbs
    • 99% Fat Free
    • Low in sugars
    Coconut water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help
    1. Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature.
    2. Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverage.
    3. Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells.
    4. Naturally replenish your body's fluids after exercising.
    5. Raise your metabolism.
    6. Promote weight loss.
    7. Boost your immune system.
    8. Detoxify and fight viruses.
    9. Boost poor circulation.
    10. Cleanse your digestive tract. 
    11. Control diabetes. 
    12. Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes and AIDS
    13. Balance your PH and reduce risk of cancer.
    14. Treat kidney and urethral stones.
    Green  tea with dark chocolate can help you  be in shape try it. Green tea is known all over the world to be very helpful in many ways.
    Garlic Pills for Weight Loss thumbnailIf you want to lose weight, then the best way is through a combination of sensible eating and exercise. However, there are ways to boost your metabolism, and this can help you lose weight too. The metabolism is responsible for burning the calories the body uses as fuel. This fuel is converted into energy and any excess calories are stored as fat. Eat right, exercise and boost your metabolism, to start losing weight. Have a question? Get an answer from

    Read more: Pills for Weight Loss thumbnail

    Thursday, October 10, 2013

    OBESITY ;  Causes, obesity can be over can be overcome to a great extent by proper living and eating. it is made worse by wrong habits of eating, excessive starch, fatty foods and sugar in the diet and also a lack of exercise. The basic reason for most cases of obesity is simply taking into the body more calories than are used daily living. A small number of  cases are due to a disturbance in the function of the thyroid or pituitary glands ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Symptoms;; Excessive fat shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart upon slight exertion.                                                                                                 

    Wednesday, October 9, 2013


    Wrinkles are delicate creases caused by thin,sagging skin.These are especially visible on the face,neck and hands.Wrinkles appear when the collagen and elastin present in the connective tissue of the skin is weakened or decrease in number.

    Symptoms for wrinkled skin
    some of the symptoms of wrinkled skin are:lined and creased skin,sagging skin.
    Apply egg whites to the skin under your eyes,odor free castor oil can also be applied to the skin under the eyes or on that on your throat it helps reduce wrinkles naturally and nourish the skin.
     At what age do u think wrinkles start to generate?post your comments and lets see who gets it right

    Wednesday, October 2, 2013


    Hi all,do you know that the kind of air we breath affect our well being?Our day to day activity takes us out of our homes and expose us to negative ions that we breath.
      Have you woken up early in the morning near the greens or trees and taken a deep breath ?Its not comparable to an environment where cars push out their fumes in traffic like these,its affect our health.

     TIPS: Make it a point to drink water everyday first thing in every morning.
     At least 50cl of water will make a big difference in purifying  whatever we must have taken in the previous day.make it a point.more tips coming your way to tomorow

    Friday, September 20, 2013


    Labomita is in a state of upgrading and getting a new title look,please watch out on latest innovations of this site as it comes