Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The story of a lady touched me deeply,She was 5years old and for being battered as a child.When She developed Cancer later as an adult,Doctors and health practitioner has reasons to conclude that her cancer came as a result of  the resentment she had harbored for many years.
  What people don't know is this, that lady's traumatic experience whether remembered consciously are not just memories that were stored in the cerebrum,Hippocampus or the temporal lobe of the brain.
  Her experiences actually imprinted themselves into the cell f her body in the form of cellular memories.
  And just as cancer cells gives off a destructive frequency(as measured by magnetic resonance image or MRI)Destructive cellular memories also gives off destructive frequencies(Internal Stress)Until you remove the cause of the disease(Destructive cellular memories)True healing Can never take place.Physical removal of a cancerous tumor or disease mass is seldom an effective solution either.Why? Because if a doctor treats a disease such as cancer,For instance,through surgery radiation or chemotherapy WITHOUT removing the cellular memories that created the cancer in the first place,That cancer is likely to come back.
 This is one reason why cancer frequently occours,Because the ellular memories that created the disease are seldom addresed by conventional medicine and even alternative and Naturopathic medicine.
 I do agree with and have learn t a lot from this,that the root of all cancers and disease is a destructive energy pattern i the body.

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