Wednesday, August 3, 2016


How to Detox Your Liver With Lemon and Olive Oil.detox

The Benefits of Lemon for Detoxifying your Liver ,How Olive Oil Can Help Cleanse Your Liver.Lemons are not the only thing that can deliver your liver from toxins. Olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, has antioxidant properties.  Lemons are not the only thing that can deliver your liver from toxins. Olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, has antioxidant properties. – Juice of 1/2 small lemon

– 1 – 2 tablespoons cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Mix the ingredients in a small glass and consume daily for best results.

How To Make Parsley Tea for Swollen Ankles, Legs and Feet. How To Make Parsley Tea for Swollen Ankles, Legs and Feet

13 Make-Ahead Meals and Snacks For Healthy Eating On The Go - AvocaduReady for some easy recipes for healthy eating on the go? These 13 make ahead meals are prefect for busy people trying to eat healthier.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

1. Red bell peppers are a healthy option that can form part of your daily diet as they contain phytonutrients which have powerful antioxidants in them. These antioxidants counteract environmental toxins and cell degradation. They protect your body from free radical damage that causes the development of cancer. Thus, bell peppers help in preventing different types of cancers in stomach, colon, breast, prostate and lung.

15 Best Benefits Of Red Bell Pepper For Skin, Hair And Health  Red bell peppers are the members of the family of mild peppers which belong to the capsicum family. They are known as bell peppers due to their bell-like shape and have a mild, sweet flavor and a crisp juicy flesh. Although these are available all over the world, they have their origin in South and Central America and Mexico. All varieties of bell peppers including the red ones are green in color when unripe.1. Red bell peppers are a healthy option that can form part of your daily diet as they contain phytonutrients which have powerful antioxidants in them. These antioxidants counteract environmental toxins and cell degradation. They protect your body from free radical damage that causes the development of cancer. Thus, bell peppers help in preventing different types of cancers in stomach, colon, breast, prostate and lung.2. Red bell peppers provide 300 percent of daily vitamin C intake. Apart from being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is vital for proper absorption of iron. Thus, those suffering from iron deficiency can consume red bell peppers with their iron source to facilitate maximum absorption.3. Snacking on red bell peppers helps in treating and preventing inflammation in the body. It is a great option for energizing yourself if you are overwhelmed with stress or feeling fatigued.4. The combination of vitamin B6 and magnesium in red bell peppers aids in decreasing anxiety, especially due to pre-menstrual symptoms. Being a natural diuretic, vitamin B6 is great for reducing bloating and preventing hypertension.5. Red bell pepper is an excellent source of vitamin A, providing about 75 percent daily requirement of vitamin A per cup. Vitamin A is a nutrient that supports healthy eyesight, particularly night vision as it aids in the function of the retina and prevents the development of cataracts.

5 Cancer Fighting Herbs #herbs #cinnamon #turmeric #ginger #garlic #cancer: STAY FIT.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

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The benefits of bitter melon are attributed to its array of vitamins & minerals such as Vitamin A, B1, C, B2, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper & phosphorus. It provides 140% of RDI of Vitamin C. Bitter melon contains polypeptide-P & charantin, compounds thought to be responsible for reduction of blood sugar levels in the treatment of type-2 diabetes. It also helps in healing liver problems & liver regeneration. 2 oz of fresh juice with a cup of honey diluted improve asthma & bronchitis...:
Just 1 cup of peas contain 44% of your Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. It’s B vitamins help to prevent osteoporosis. Peas have such high quality protein that commercial protein powders are starting to use it. This avoids the possible side effects of soy, or dairy. Coumestrol, a phytonutrient has been shown to reduce the risk of stomach cancers. Peas support the energy producing cells in the body while playing an important roll in adrenal function. #dherbs:
Strawberries provide iron, an anemia & fatigue fighting mineral that is well absorbed into the body thanks to the berries' high vitamin C content. #dherbs #healthtips:
Pineapple is the major source of bromelain. Bromelain has been used to reduce inflammation in arthritis, sinusitis, inflammatory bowel disease, sports injuries, trauma, burns, prostatitis, bruising, swelling & after surgery. It is effective in suppressing the growth of some cancer cells. Pineapple also aids in circulatory health & improvements in all breathing conditions. The tougher circle at the center has more concentrated bromelain than the surrounding tender fruit. #dherbs #healthtips:
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Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts  are well known for having a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. 1oz. of walnuts daily over a period of 2-3 months can help reduce MetS-related problems. Adding walnuts to your diet decrease the depositing of fat around the mid-section. Prostate  breast cancer has been found to be reduced by fairly large amounts of daily walnut consumption. Adults have been able to significantly increase their blood level of ALA with as few as 4 walnuts per day. #dherbs:
dherbs-ht-rosemary.jpg 374×832 pixels: WE HAVE THIS ALL AROUND US.
Regular use of mint is very beneficial for asthma, as it is a good relaxant & relieves congestion. The stimulant qualities of mint help with alertness, retention, & cognitive function. Mint can induce sweating if consumed during fever, thereby breaking the fever & speeding the rate of recovery. Its phytonutrients have been shown to stop the growth of pancreatic, mammary, & liver tumors. It has also been shown to protect against cancer formation in the colon, skin, & lungs. #dherbs #healthtips:
New study:  Reduce blood pressure with beet root juice: New study: Reduce blood pressure with beet root juice

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Get out of debt by doing something fun for a change!Get out of debt by doing something fun for a change … viewing videos, checking out pictures, and listening to music. Learn more here…

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Fruit Flush Detox. I need this after all the chocolate from Valentine's Day!: THIS FRESH VEGETABLES ARE GOOD FOR EVERYONE PLEASE GO FOR IT.  THE FRUITS AS WELL.
To get rid of stomach bloat drink 2L of "Slimming Water" everyday:  2L of water, 1 tsp of grated ginger root (anti-inflammatory), 1 med cucumber (mild diuretic)peeled and thinly sliced, 1 med lemon (aids digestion) thinly sliced and 12 mint leaves(diuretic and natural remedy for digestive problems).: To get rid of stomach bloat drink 2L of "Slimming Water" everyday: 2L of water, 1 tsp of grated ginger root (anti-inflammatory), 1 med cucumber (mild diuretic)peeled and thinly sliced, 1 med lemon (aids digestion) thinly sliced and 12 mint leaves(diuretic and natural remedy for digestive problems).