Thursday, September 18, 2014

Coconut Water Tips, 

-Make sure it’s fresh juice. This seems obvious, but just like orange juice can be made from concentrate, so too can coconut water. It’s a whole lot cheaper that way. Read the label and make sure it’s the real thing. 
-Make sure there’s no added flavors. The term “natural flavors” is a giveaway. You want your coconut water to instead have a label that reads “100 percent coconut water”. The flavored versions are another no-no. Avoid any added flavors or sugars.
-Avoid any heating or pasteurization. Pasteurizing kills nutrients. Just like you want cold pressed olive oil and green juice, you want cold pressed coconut water.
-Make sure your coconut water is made from young coconuts rather than mature coconuts because young coconuts have much more nutrient dense water than mature coconuts.

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