Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Causes:Meat,Fish,Fowl,Tea, Coffe,Tobaggo,Alchohol,Pepper, Mustard,Spices,Vineger,Exceses use of salt,Baking powder,Soda,Jellies,Sweet desserts,Candy,Improper cooked foods,Starchy and poorly baked bread e.t.c.
   SYMPTOMPS:Loss of appetite,Headache,Sleeplessness,Acid urine,Strong prespiration,Acid taste in mouth,Sour stomache,Lassitude,Ocassional vomiting,a burning,Hot feeling in the chest or abdomen,Gas on the stomache.
 TREATMENT:Soya bean product are excellent as a remedy for an acid condition.A diet of soya milk,Butter milk or orange juice for a few days or a week is excellent.Avoid constipation.Use zwieback,soyabean,or whole grain breads.The drier the food is eaten,The sooner the acid condition can be overcome.Chew!Chew!Chew until your food becomes liquefied and thorougly saturated with saliva,which is alkaline in reaction.By so doing the normal digestive process can begin in your mouth.Do not shrink with meals.Do not eat between meals or for several hoursbefore going to bed.
 After you have been on this diet for a few days to a week,eat one good vegetable meal everyday,Prefferably at noon,Be carefull of combinations of food,Avoid ewating fruits and vegetables at thesame meal it can make it re-occour.

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