Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tropical Turmeric Cleanser Green Smoothie,

 Tropical Turmeric Cleanser-6

Where do I start with this green smoothie?! It’s such a good one! Our bodies do a pretty great job of detoxifying thanks to our livers. But it never hurts to help out by including foods that naturally detoxify our bodies. Kale is a great detoxifier, as are all cruciferous veggies. The glucosinolates in kale form isothiocyanates (ITCs) which help regulate detox activities in our cells. When you add kale to your green smoothies, you’re also adding great anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and anti-cancer benefits into your day. Kale also has heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids which help fight cardiovascular disease. Is there anything kale can’t do for our health? 
2 cups kale
2 cups coconut milk
2 cups pineapple
1 cup mango
Juice of ½ lemon
1 Tablespoon fresh ginger
¼ to 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric, to taste,  directions;
1. Blend kale and coconut milk until smooth.
2. Add remaining ingredients, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!