Monday, February 27, 2012


Back in the days when midwives were the primary healthcare providers to women,and natural childbirth was the only way to have a baby,the leaf of the raspberry bush was the herb of choice.Women routinely brewed it into a tea to drink during the last two months of pregnancy to tone their uterine muscles for labour and delivery.
 After birth,raspberry-leaf tea was taken for several weeks to help the uterus return to normal.It is also soothing for menstural cramps.
Warm raspberry-leaf tea is also soothing for throath irritations and canker sores,and is also effective against diarrhea.
Possible benefits
  • Prepare the uterus for child birth,may help shorten labour
  • Good for sore throats and fever blisters
  • Alleviates menstural cramps
How to use it
  • Mix 1 tea spoon dried herb in 1 cup warm water.drink daily
  • Mix 15 to 30 drops extract up to 3 times daily.drink warm for best result
  • Drink 1 cup tea daily
CAUTION;Do not use until last two months of pregnanacy and under supervision of a health care practisioner