Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Earn money on line

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Infertility is becoming a problem for those who desires to have children.Over two million couples want to have children and find that they are unable to have children and find that they are unable to conceive.There are many doctors specializing in infertility.The cost of test for the wife as well as the husband is expensive and time consuming with no guarantee of success.
   There are many reasons for infertility.The female may have tubes that are blocked,ovulation problems,hormonal imbalance,or weak uterus.The male can have low sperm counts,immature sperm incapable of fertilization and many more problems that account for the infertility.It is well known that malnutrition can cause sterility.Good nutrition is essential in the male and female fertility.We know that during times of famine women have a far less chance of conceiving.Its as if the natural order of life prevents conceiving when the environment of the baby could be harmed.Many of our youth who have Anorexia nerve's have ceased their menstrual flow.Women who join the service and have increased strenuous exercise have ceased menstruating especially during the first year of training

Hearth burn

Papaya mint tea,ginger,alfalfaEat more food with b vitamins such as wheat germ and yogurt.Eat papaya tablets with meals.Eat smaller meals and eat slowly

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Anemia does not mean shortage of blood as many explain it,but it occurs when the blood becomes impure and week in life giving cells.
  When one concludes garlic in the diet for about 6 weeks,the impure blood will be cleansed,becoming pure,hemoglobin also is strengthened.Note that raw garlic,when eaten in excess can cause anemia in this wise use about 1 to 2 small cloves of garlic a day in your meal.
  Oxygen purifies the blood: an anemic should exercise a lot of active walking and breathing free oxygenation air in the open where trees are common.
   why have asthma when garlic and lemon are in advance?
 (1) Take one clove of garlic,grind it and mix with 1/2 lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of pure honey.Take 3 times daily,30mins before each meal.Continue this treatment till you see changes.
 This works gradually to uproot asthma.